Saul Lindenbaum is a retired clinical psychologist. He caught the writing bug in sixth grade, when he was appointed editor of his class newspaper. For a number of years he wrote a humor column for the Maryland Psychological Association newsletter. His articles (for one of which he was actually paid!) have also appeared in publications of Boston University, The City College of New York, and the American Psychological Association. In 2004 he self-published a family history titled, “The Well of the Past.”

A young man, about to graduate from college in 1960, needs a break from school, but faces being drafted for two years. Instead he joins the Army Reserve which entails only six months of active duty, followed by five-and-a-half years of Reserve meetings. Unaware of how the military works, he unwittingly signs up in an infantry unit, which means that Basic Training is followed by four months of arduous Advanced Infantry Training. This is the story of his sometimes painful, often humorous self-discovery, and the changes he must make in order to survive and succeed in the world beyond the protective cocoon of his family.
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