Denise von Hengst is a breast cancer survivor, creator of Sisters of Steel which inspired women to live with mental and physical strength, and a Reiki Master/ Teacher. She believes in unconditional love, the gift of hope, the power of belief, the outstretched hand, and the open mind to heal. This world traveler unpacks her suitcases in Rockville, Maryland.
Maybe you’ve had the feeling that you’ve been here before, or you’ve seen a look in someone’s eyes that is so familiar and timeless – a sense of knowing. Or maybe you’ve had recurring dreams, causing you to wonder if you’ve lived in another body and another time. "Sacred Circle" is a story of not only past life memories but an acknowledgment of the unknown, gifts of psychic abilities, and the endless love that continues throughout lifetimes. It is a heartfelt story of hope told with beauty and candor.