John Riggle has been married to Marlene over 40 years (she’s a saint). His leadership in business, non-profit, civic and church groups forms the basis of wisdom you can apply immediately. But most importantly, with 6 successful children and soon to be 16 grandchildren, he offers humor and hands-on tips you can use to create your own long and successful marriages and families.
A practical guide to creating a more joyful and productive life.
Make Your House a Home Place is full of experience, stories and practical tips to find more fun, enjoyment, and family fulfillment.
Learn how to create your own plan, teach your children and others, and then enjoy the journey!
Each animal of the world has a talent to share. What will young Jonathan Leaper do with his new found super-human skills?
Grandpa's life is definitely more interesting when the grandkids are around. What new adventure do they have planned next?
“John Riggle is one of the best at turning research into boots on the ground marketing.”
~Tom Lepson, Professor/President, Lepson Research
“John is my secret weapon. He helped me develop my approach to our best success.”
~Joe Mailey, Director of Sales, Aero Energy
“John is transformational, a catalyst for change.”
~Tom Washburn, CEO Aero Energy
“John is my Dirty Jobs guy. When I don’t have the time or personnel, he gets it done.”
~Nathan Eifert, director of advertising,
Peoples Bank
“John goes out and finds sponsorship revenue we didn’t even know existed. Then he goes out and gets it.”
~Debi Beshore, Director of Marketing,
Steam into History Railroad
“John comes up with solutions that actually work! Something every non-profit needs.”
~Ron Gardner, Executive Director,
New Birth of Freedom Boy Scout Council
“John was a real asset when I needed good sales training for my sales team.”
~Neil Fortier, Director of Partnerships,
Cleveland Cavaliers