Roger Wilson and Kathryn Jordan are both members of the Stewartstown Historical Society. Wilson taught fourth and sixth grade students in the South Eastern School District for two decades. He later became the assistant professor of science education at Millersville University, before teaching part-time at Towson University. Wilson can be reached at 717-382-4993. Copies of the book can also be purchased via his website:

This book will lead you from the beginning of public education in Pennsylvania to the bottom of South Eastern School District (SESD). The story spans more than 100 years (1834 to 1948) and includes the 8 school districts that consolidated to form the SESD. Four townships and four boroughs, each being a school district, united to make one school district. The townships were Hopewell, East Hopewell, Fawn, and Peach Bottom. The townships were Stewartstown, Cross Roads, Fawn Grove, and Delta. Eight became one.
In those eight school districts there were 46 one room schools, eight two-room schools, and five schools three rooms or larger. There is also one private school in the book to make the point that all the rest were public schools. This makes a total of 60 schools in the book.