Hugh McPherson, Maize Quest’s Maze Master, has been “losing” guests and telling “corny” jokes since 1997 on his home farm. Maize Quest’s corn Maze & Fun Park is home to the annual corn maze, and now features the annual Sunflower Festival. The home farm, Maple Lawn Farms, welcomes guests to pick-their-own peaches, apples, pumpkins & blueberries throughout the season. In 2015, Hugh launched Maple Lawn Winery to add value to the fruit crop and welcome a new tribe of wine-loving guests. Maize Quest, through www.MazeCatalog.com, designs corn mazes, games, and attractions for over 85 farms in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. The Agritourism Manager Boot Camp is Maize Quest’s first online course.
Having developed and trained over 800 employees, this system works with everyone from Grandma to a 14 year old in his first job. Boot Camp is the #1 program for agritourism and farms with seasonal, retail employees to build a complete, staff management system. Hugh served for 6 years on the North American Farmer Direct Marketing Association’s Board of Directors (NAFDMA). Hugh also serves as the choir director at Centre Presbyterian Church in New Park, PA, and plays Ultimate Frisbee in a local league.
Just 5 minutes a day can change your work life and your crew. This is a book of positive actions you take, one per day, over the next 31 days to create your personal 31-Day Workforce Turnaround.You know you can only control your actions. You know that your attitude each day and your interactions with your workforce will set and determine the tone for the day.
We’ve all done it… gone into work angry, tired, and frustrated, and gotten a day that made us angrier, more tired, and more frustrated… or gone into work smiling, fired-up and ready to go, and gotten a day that filled us with energy as we got work DONE!
This book is an experience that gets and keeps you focused and motivated to directly affect change in your life.
Don’t spend the next 3,000 hours of your work life fighting the same uphill battles. Make a change that will make a difference. Open this book and start TODAY.