Diane Benner has been an elementary teacher in Pennsylvania for over 24 years. She has written several educational grants, and has been published in Mailbox Magazine. Fox 43 TV honored her as a SUBWAY Teacher of the Week for her community service work with her students. An amateur photographer, she has photographed and rescued thousands of horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay. Diane resides in Dover, PA, and has two adult children, Justin and Haley.

Horseshoe crabs are amazing! Did you know what they really use their tails for? Or that their bright blue blood is used to help humans? They are not even real crabs! Every page of this ABC book features photographs of “rescued” horseshoe crabs making their way back into the ocean… and in the shapes of all of the letters of the alphabet! As you learn amazing facts and see the photos, read about what you can do to help save these gentle creatures.